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  • Writer's pictureJim Shaw


The colder months and going from outdoors to indoors with the heating on can have a damaging effect on our hair. Now that we're into autumn and quickly progressing into winter, it's important that we look after our hair as much as possible and provide it with the nourishment it needs to avoid it drying out and lacking shine. Below are some of my tips to keep your hair looking its best at all times...

Healthy hair starts from within – to keep your hair looking and feeling its best at all times it’s important to consider your diet and lifestyle. Drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep to help are all incredibly important and will allow your hair to grow and feel in its best condition.

Less is always more – one of the biggest mistakes men can make with their hair is using too much product and creating a build-up on their hair that leaves it looking limp and lifeless. Always start with a small amount of product and build up where needed. I also always advise using a prestyling product in your hair prior to blow-drying and styling (be it a mousse, salt spray or serum depending on the kind of finish you like). Using a pre styling product alongside your regular finishing products will really help to enhance the finished look. A serum is also particularly great to use on damp hair in the autumn/winter months for extra nourishment and to seal split ends and get rid of frizz and flyaways.

Avoid over washing – over washing your hair can lead to you stripping your hair of its natural oils, resulting in your hair lacking vibrancy and shine. Try to only wash your hair a few times a week maximum and in between washes a dry shampoo can be used to absorb excess oils and to add texture to your hairstyle.

Use good quality conditioning products and treatments – using a professional conditioner and hair masks regularly is so important to keep hair looking in its best condition and nourished at all times. Men with coloured or long hair especially will benefit from using regular hair masks and treatments, keeping split ends and damage at bay and colour sealed in and vibrant.

Regular trims are key - As well as using conditioner and hair masks for maintenance, regular trims are key to ensure split ends are removed and that hair looks as healthy as possible. During your appointment with your men’s hairdresser you can also discuss updating your hairstyle for the new season, whether it be adding layers for texture or by adding colour for a fresh look.

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